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Apple puts the subject last.

Apple's living room Conestoga, AppleTV, was refreshed this week, taking a step forward with HD movie rentals and buy-through-the-remote music and videos. It took a surprising step backward though, when it comes to handling media the user already owns. It's revamped menus move "My Music" from first to last on the list. Further, new toys like a covers view and search—sorely needed if your dipping into an even modest music library—have been reserved only for the act of buying from Apple.

The bottom line is Apple has produced a compelling jukebox with a focus on pay-to-play. However, Apple's ordering of the features belies their business priorities. I don't expect any further improvements to "My Music" as Apple has authored a very clear sentence on their idea of an ideal experience.

You can check out screenshots at Matt Haughey's PVR blog.


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