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May 2008 Archives

May 19, 2008

(Design) Thinking No. 1.

These are the (heavily annotated) notes for a work that was adapted for a presentation at Dimensional Fund Advisors.

Philip Johnson's Glass House

(Design) Thinking No. 1.

Despite knowing nearly nothing about the canon idea of design thinking, I suspected and correctly that I had been preoccupied with it for some time already. This survey looks at design thinking as it applies to small-scale web apps.

This is the first of around 100 posts.

May 20, 2008

(Design) Thinking No. 2. It starts with empathy!

handwritten post it note: it starts with empathy!

It’s a nearly unavoidable part of everyday life for most of us: identifying with other human beings. Some of us are better than others at doing, and it comes easily (perhaps too easily) to a few of us. Empathic relation is the discipline that’s at the core of design thinking. I’ll be examining that through some rhetoric and some examples.

Given the focus on people, why not proceed with a few historical celebrities? As we’ll see caricature is a really powerful part of the empathic process.

About May 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Software is a Sentence. in May 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2008 is the previous archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.